Sunday, August 28, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fight Like a Girl ~ $100 Gift Certificate Giveaway

For every ticket purchased for the Fight Like a Girl fundraiser will receive 1 (one) entry in the drawing for a $100 gift certificate with Elizabeth Videc Photography

Angela {with Faith} fights stage IV breast cancer. 
The purpose of this fundraiser is to raise money to 
assist Angela with her very high medical bills and give her the 
support and encouragement she needs to 
"Fight Like a Girl!".

The drawing will take place the evening of the fundraiser. Tickets are $20.00 each
More information on the fundraiser can be found HERE

You do not have to attend the event, you may also donate & you will still qualify for an entry towards the $100.00 gift certificate.  (one entry for every $20 donated) 

Pre-purchase tickets by sending payment to
Missy, contact her via email at

You MUST write in the note section that you are entering towards the $100 Gift Certificate
and comment on this blog saying you've entered. 

Date: OCTOBER 1st, 2011
Fundraiser: To help assist Angela Glass with medical bills

Angela's website: Information, Tickets & Donations

Please share on Facebook with friends and family.